This weekend I scoured a music store that has a lot of used parts. I didn't find all that I hoped for and I didn't find it all used. I picked up 16 used lugs for the floor tom, legs, leg mounts, a 4" snare strainer, lug bolts, and rims. All for a grand total of $150. A little more than I hoped, but not too bad.
I am going to use two shells that I have for the snare and tom, and I've bought two on eBay for the floor tom. One of the floor toms has arrived. I'm still waiting on the other and the pedal.
While I'm waiting for the other stuff to arrive I went ahead and constructed the fan snare the same as you've seen posted other places. I cut the snare wires about 4 inches long and pop-riveted them to a muting device. I used a 4 inch wide snare in hopes of getting a bigger snare sound so I couldn't set it up to rotate away from the head. It's too wide. I can turn it off by twisting the knob to lower it away from the head, just like a regular mute. It's not quick, but it works.
Not much more I can do until the other shell comes. I'm planning on ordering the shell wrap this week. Check back for updates. I may have more done next weekend.
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